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Writer's pictureslaatje25

Stand With Ukraine Bunny

Good afternoon all,

Putin’s invasion of the Ukraine has shook the world. It has had a devasting effect on the people of Ukraine and has left many of us feeling powerless. Trying to explain what is happening in the world today to two growing boys, while trying hard not to frighten them too much, is difficult. With media access at our finger tips, we are constantly reminded of the heart wrenching tragedies Ukrainians are facing daily.

My 9 year old son asked me what it was we could do to help, so when Lovecrafts sent an appeal for patterns, I didn't hesitate to give it a go!

My little 'Stand With Ukraine Bunny' is now for purchase here and 100% of the proceeds will be donated to Choose Love's Ukraine Emergency Appeal.

The pattern includes the bunny, her dress, shoes and her tiny little peace dove (or peace duckling as my son called him!)

Thank you for your support!


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